Sep 24, 2012

Sponsor Spotlight: Karen

Hi ladies and gents, have I got a surprise for you! 

You know how I started taking October sponsors for a donation to My Relay page? Well, Karen here was the first to make a donation. When I logged on to my Relay for Life home page the morning after posting about my sponsorship, my heart filled with all the joy in the world. It makes me so happy to know there are people out there who want to put an end to cancer just as much as I do. Everybody give a warm welcome to my very first blog sponsor, Karen<3


Hi, I'm Karen and I blog over at patching hearts.  I blog mainly about my family and kids; however, when Heather announced her sponsorship fundraiser for Relay for Life I knew I had to jump on board.  Cancer is a horrible disease that has touched my life dramatically in the past 5 years.  According to the American Cancer Society, 1,638,910 new cancer cases and 577,190 deaths due to cancer were projected for 2012.  That's a lot!  My family has been one of those "new" case statistics this year, and for the previous few years.  Here is our story.

In the summer of 2008, my Dad was suffering from terrible stomach pain.  My Dad, who avoids Doctors, finally agreed to go to the Emergency Room.  It was there that they discovered a blockage in his colon.  It was cancer.  He was taken back for immediate surgery and thankfully, the cancer was removed. 

Fast forward 1 year to the spring of 2009.  During a routine mammogram, the Doctor discovered a lump in my Mother-In Law's breast.  You guessed it....Breast Cancer.  That summer she received a lumpectomy followed by 6 weeks of radiation. 

In December of 2011, my Dad had a follow up Colonoscopy and yet again, they found more cancer.  A couple of weeks later, he had a subsequent surgery to remove more of his colon. 

Lastly, this past spring (2012) after some tests, it was discovered that my Father in Law had prostate cancer.  He has since had his prostate removed and is still recovering from a staff infection he got after the surgery which nearly killed him.

Cancer is an ugly disease that affects millions of people around the world.  We have been so fortunate that our parents are all currently doing well and are currently cancer free now.  Organizations like the American Cancer Society and Fundraisers like Relay for Life can help us someday find a cure for this horrible disease.  So jump on board and donate today!  Heather's Relay for Life team information is below.  Let's fight this together and help find a cure. 


Simplyheather said...


I want to thank you so much once again for donating. You are my very first sponsor and that will always mean something to me, but besides all that, you did an amazing thing. It was truly a blessing to wake up and see you donated that morning and then reading your story touched my heart. I think everybody has has some sort of awareness of how bad cancer is until they're personally effected, and then they KNOW how bad it is & some even want to change the world, like we're doing! I am so happy that your family is recovering and is doing okay. Thank God, right?!

xoxo Heather

Karen said...

Absolutely, we are so grateful and thank God every night that our parents are doing well.
Thanks for all that you are doing to raise money!!

Caitlyn said...

Awwe! I hope your family remains cancer free, Karen!

Janna Renee said...

What a cute little family!! Yay for your first sponsor!