Apr 28, 2011


s e r e n d i p i t y- An aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident;; Good fortune: Luck 

Yesterday I watched this movie for the first time and I absolutely loved it. It was such a sweet movie. I think the beginning of it is why I loved it the most. It was Christmas time, it was snowing, I have a soft spot for anything Christmas. A guy and a girl met in a store grabbing the same glove at the same time and despite them each having someone at home, they instantly fell for each other. Immediately grabbing a cup of coffee was a start to a beautiful night. Just remember this was the first time they met and they already had all these feelings right away. But in order to see if what they felt actually meant anything they tested fate. Her putting her name and number in a book and him putting his name and number on a five dollar bill and then sending both items off to see if they find there ways back to each other. One elevator test separated them. Although if things didn't happen the way they did they would have been with each other off the bat but it just wasn't their time. All that's left is the two items following a path through life to see if they end up in each others arms. Thee end. LOL, Okay, give me props. It's my first movie review. But I do highly recommend it to you hopeless romantics out there. Feel free to share your favorite romance movies. I'd love to hear your recommendations!


Sara said...

Awesome movie.

My favourite romance movies would be Notting Hill. I love it.

Kelsey said...

lovely blog! lets be friends, follow me and see what i wear every wardrobe wednesday! xoxo


Jessica said...

I love this movie. I love watching it around Christmastime!

Sam W. said...

this is one of my faves. such a great story!

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

I loved that movie too, it's just so sweet! As for recomendations...I'm so out of the loop, it's pathetic! I do love "Love Actually" (even though I've only seen the TV version)...it's the sweetest love movie *ever* (c: Thanks for visiting the blog so I could find yours!

Anonymous said...

I love this movie, too!!! I saw it probably about 10 years ago, so it's been awhile, but I still remember it! I agree with Aubrey - my all-time favorite love story is Love Actually. It's also a Christmas movie, so you'll love it!!

GorJess Fashion For Less said...

Oh I forgot about this movie. I saw it on a plane a (long) while back! I liked inception- that is my fav recently!

Carol@TheDesignPages said...

You're a romantic at heart, aren't you? Are you getting up early to watch the Royal wedding?

Unknown said...

Seems like a movie I would like. I will have to check it out.

From Broadway said...

watched it a while back but loved it too!!!

Savanah said...

I love Serendipity! =)

Jodie-Ann Muckler said...

I heard about this movie :D My friend was telling me how good it is, but she couldn't really explain what it was about. So, thanks for the review :D I might watch it.