Hi guys! Wow, its been SO long since I've last written a blog post. I hope all is well for everybody. As far as I go, life has changed in many aspects throughout the years, but it's also the same in many others. Which doesn't say much, I know.
I'm not working nor in school and I haven't been in quite some time. Yeah, I know that's awful. 25 and still doesn't know her career path? Winner, winner over here! LOL. Actually a lot has mentally taken a toll on me throughout time. It's not an excuse, but i'll use it as one. After padre passed away it seemed like everything got dark. Like George on Grey's Anatomy said "I don't know how to exist in a world where my dad doesn't". I watched the man I thought to be invincible just stop living.
But again.. no excuse.
Lately I've been doing a little career research and they actually have a local adult school in the city I live in, which has a program for Medical assisting and also Practical nursing. I'm strongly considering joining. I'm thinking more along the lines of MA because it's a quick program, and they are always looking, as well as I'm not sure the medical field is something I want to have a career in long term.
The Practical Nursing program is only a couple thousand more dollars and if I get my foot in the door with that and decide the medical field is something i'd like to pursue a career in, I can continue education without any wasted time.
I don't know. It's a lot to think about. I'm going to make a decision come New Years.
Anyway, I've been wanting to start blogging again for a while and had a little time right now and thought I'd jump on and make my initial post. I'm back for now and hope I can stay this way and feel as inspired as I do currently. Ttyl <3